A selection of fiction, essays, and reviews, and some reflections on the creative life.
(‘stravaig’, Scots, v.: to wander, roam, daunder, drift…)
“WE DO TREAT books surprisingly lightly in contemporary culture,” writes Ali Smith, in Artful…
The Guy in the Kitchen
“The Secret Life is an inadvertent autobiography,” Andrew O’Hagan told me…
Geoff at Sea
WHILE READING Geoff Dyer’s latest unmissable blend of new journalism, memoir, and rumination…
Stream of Pre-Consciousness
N A LETTER about Finnegans Wake to his patron Harriet Shaw Weaver in 1926, James Joyce wrote…
On Risk and Belief
During a prenatal visit to her pediatrician, Eula Biss asked about the necessity of the Hep B vaccine…