A selection of fiction, essays, and reviews, and some reflections on the creative life.
(‘stravaig’, Scots, v.: to wander, roam, daunder, drift…)
“WE DO TREAT books surprisingly lightly in contemporary culture,” writes Ali Smith, in Artful…
The Guy in the Kitchen
“The Secret Life is an inadvertent autobiography,” Andrew O’Hagan told me…
A Fork In the Road
In the middle of June a couple of years ago, I packed books, pinboards, a laptop, wellies…
Bedlinen Boy
Big Jake and Briggsy wait for Rory under the loading bay overhang behind Littlewoods department store.
Geoff at Sea
WHILE READING Geoff Dyer’s latest unmissable blend of new journalism, memoir, and rumination…
Notes on a Bruise
I rocked from foot to foot in the middle of the Widows of Culloden collection…
Stream of Pre-Consciousness
N A LETTER about Finnegans Wake to his patron Harriet Shaw Weaver in 1926, James Joyce wrote…
Notes on an Essay
I’ve often remarked that I’m a slow writer, but I’m not sure folks really get how slow.
Spring Reads
Finally I’ve found time to post the complete list of 28 spring book suggestions…
The Phoenix
In February 1967, the Iranian poet and filmmaker Forugh Farrokhzad died in a car crash in Tehran.
Lives Half-Lived
One year later at her mother’s funeral Helen will realize how their decision to call it a day…
Able and Baker
On May 28, 1959, the Army Ballistic Missile Agency launched a Jupiter Medium Range Ballistic Missile…
The Devil’s Own Country
Standing stones punctuate the Scottish landscape, ancient markers of a centuries-old metaphysical debate.
The Watermark
A year after my parents separated, I saw my father on the other side of a narrow street. He walked straight by without any gesture of greeting.